

1. 集中していつもよりも早く読むことができた
2. 予想点数は600-700点
3. 最後の9Questionsのみ、間に合わなかった
4. トリプルパッセージの2問分、約10分足りない
5. 練習のときには15分足りなかったので、少し進歩した

1. I could focuse on the examination for 120minute, so I could read fast as possible as I can.
2. The score might be during 600 to 700 I feel.
3. Time is hard for me, I couldn’t answer 9questions lack of 10minute.
4. When I did mock examination, the lack of 15minute, so I find it improving.

1. I was able to focus and read faster than usual during the examination.
2. I’m expecting a score between 600 and 700.
3. I couldn’t finish only the last 9 questions in time.
4. I was about 10 minutes short for the two triple passages.
I’ve made some progress since I was 15 minutes short during practice.
5. Thank you for your TOEIC preparation lessons, they’ve really helped me improve.

I want to know the results as soon as possible




1. My goal for this time was 600 points, but I want to aim for 900 points eventually.
2. I’ll take the test again in December, and I want to aim for 700 points there.
3. So, I’m planning to keep working on TOEIC study materials. What do you think, Teacher?
4. At first, I aimed for 700 points, but when I heard that your students got 900 points, it inspired me to work even harder for my ultimate goal.

Since it’s really hot today, I’m planning to study at the library with air conditioning.
